Would You 12/12/12
Anyone out there considering a 12/12/12 wedding? Known as “Wednesday” to some of your guests and “less than 2 weeks until Christmas” to others, there are some compelling reasons to get married on this triple-digit date.
1. It’s cool that this phenomenon will occur once in this century.
2. It will be easy to remember your anniversary.
3. Off-season weddings will be cheaper. A weekday wedding might get you even more discounts.
4. You can wear a sassy muff or stole for your photos. (above photo by Lane Weddings, preferred vendor)
5. The number 12 is super lucky. According to Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel: “The ‘go-getting’ 1 and the ‘sensitive’ 2 make this a very balanced number. 1 is the vibration of ‘new beginnings’ and starting things afresh. The 2 vibration is about seeking ‘balance’ and that’s certainly something that many will struggle with - balancing the bank balance, balancing the food and beverage intake, balancing the emotions … balancing in every way.”
So you’d have that going for you.